Health Assessments 45-49 Year Olds
4 September 2022
We encourage patients in this age group to have this consult with our Doctors and Nurses for a full health assessment. Each assessment is 45 minutes long - 30 minutes with the Nurse and a 15 minute review with the Doctor to assess whether you are risk of a chronic disease all covered through a Medicare rebate ( no out of pocket cost)
Medicare covers x 1 health assessment during the age of 45-49 yrs
We supply a pathology form for you to have a blood test prior to your health assessment, and ask you to complete a Family history tree of medical conditions.
We will check your BP, height, weight, BMI, fasting glucose and lipids, and ask about exercise, smoking, alcohol intake, sleep, and mental health.
This is a good opportunity to have a thorough health assessment and diagnose any risk factors or current disease that can be treated appropriately.